Proving Karma Protects: Will You Accept The Challenge?

Come on hackers... Be ready with proof!


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One Rule To Ring Them All

Karma, an unparalleled structural OS protection with no false positives, no performance trade-offs, independent from chosen EDR which ensures that if alerted, it shall mean only one thing.


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The Best Defense is an Undisclosed One: The Art of Cyber Defense

At the heart of this philosophy lie two fundamental principles: deception and privacy. These are not mere tactics but foundational elements of a sophisticated cybersecurity strategy that confounds and repels adversaries by virtue of its unpredictability.


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Protection Doesn't Discriminate, Does Detection?

Karma-X introduces a paradigm shift with its philosophy of "Protection first, no matter who it keeps out."


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Disrupting Detection: Not One Job Opening for "Cyber Protection Engineers", It Starts Today!

There are "Fire Protection Engineers", why not "Cyber Protection Engineers?"


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Karma-X's Commitment to Charities Against Ransomware

Karma-X believes it can help charities in the fight against ransomware actors.


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Magic 8-ball: Is Cobalt Strike vulnerable? It is decidedly so!

With Karma-X, the tide is turning in favor of those defending against Cobalt Strike and similar threats.


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Time to Protection - Why Ransomware Wins with Focus on Detection

Ransomware thrives in gaps left by detection-focus. To win this war, Karma-X focuses on protection first.


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Karma Inside: Not Just Another API Hooking EDR

Karma-X, with its Karma technology inside, represents a leap forward from traditional EDR platforms


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Monopolies Fail in Cybersecurity: The Case for Small, Specialized, and Agile Platforms

Monopolies present a unique vulnerability due to the homogeneous nature of their products and services, Karma-X fixes this.


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